French Play Review
Monsieur Fazan has done it again! For those who attended the French play on Tuesday the 18th and Thursday the 20th of October, a night of energy and vibrancy was in store. “Passion” is definitely the word that comes to mind when I think of Game Over/Replay?. These students were passionate about their acts and it certainly showed.
The evening was eventful, marked by scenes like the Game Show and the Mother-In-Law. I must commend Orane Ducarroz on her marvelous performance of a wife tired of her husband’s mother. As I’ve been informed, the improvised scream into the pillow was a stroke of genius.
The whole night was hosted by Eve Bejet as the narrator. She conducted the crowd like a symphony and perfectly matched and raised the energy of the audience with her narration.
The show was broken up by performances from the string trio – Peter Murray, Pavi Venkat Sridhar, and Ayana Challagalla – pl
aying a mix of many different songs and styles. They were accompanied by Divya Venkat Sridhar on the piano and Lily Jim singing “La vie en rose”. The music was played to prove to the audience that humanity is capable of creating great beauty. It was certainly obvious when watching Lily sing.
For the non-fluent French speakers, the play was obviously a little harder to follow. I, myself, am capable enough to hold a conversation but even so, I missed a couple of jokes. Nonetheless, the play was witty and captivating and most of the humour was understandable through the energetic performances of the actors. A member of the cast had shown me the script already so I expected the jokes to not be as impactful. I was wrong. If anything, they were even funnier and the delivery was always perfect.
We must not forget the playful performances of the Devil (Azul Schwab) and God (Divya Venkat Sridhar) who brought synergy and comedy to the show. The star of the Cyrano/Romeo/Dom Juan crossover, Guillaume Verleyen, somehow played 3 characters simultaneously. His cross-character spectacle was a sight to behold and I must applaud the language switching.
This show was a perfect amalgamation of the funny, the existential and the rude. The creativity of the actors, Monsieur Fazan’s directing and planning, and the promotions and technology of Mr Capes and Mr Nobs made this play everything that ISL could want.
Bien joué!

17 years old and already a mastermind in computer coding, ancient Greek and rocket science. Okay, not really, but she can at least spell chrysanthemum....