When walking into a Gucci store, you usually don’t look twice at the price but just the fact that it’s Gucci. Buying expensive clothes, you are usually not paying for the quality, but for the brand. Supreme, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci; brands that usually don’t put a lot of time and effort into their clothes, for the price. You pay for the brand, not the quality.
Brands like these have gotten such a good reputation, people would buy a simple t-shirt with a logo stuck on it, that took around 2.50 chf to fabricate, and sell it for 20,000% of how much it took to fabricate. Even after taking transportation, profit, wages, and financing into consideration, it’s still absurdly expensive.
Shoes such as Nike Jordans cost around 300 chf. For the quality of the shoes, they are below average. After around 10 months of wearing these shoes daily you might experience tearing of the soles, tearing of the insolation sols, and overall deteriorating (this all came from personal experience). This is usually common for wearing regular shoes after a year, however you are paying 300 chf for shoes that have the quality of 80 chf.
The reason that brands like these pay so much is because they basically rule the clothing industry. Brands like these also take advantage of advertising their clothing for a limited time, meaning that once they sell out they won’t fabricate more. After these companies get a good reputation they start to slowly increase the prices of clothes each year. A good comparison for this is Coca-Cola, ruling the cola industry.
The reason people buy clothes from brands like these is because they are expecting to have a pair of shoes. For example, for the rest of their life, however, they are tempted to wear the shoes everyday, because it costs them so much money for something so simplistic. People also buy designer clothes to raise their status, reputation, and make them seem really rich to impress other people. Customers might also feel left out if everyone around them has really expensive clothes and they are the odd one out, though, often buying new clothes won’t make you instantly likeable and popular.
Buying clothes from designer brands is buying the logo and the name more than the actual clothes. This is all coming from someone that owns some overpriced clothes from brands like these. I was expecting the clothing to last forever, but of course, after wearing a pair of shoes everyday it’s bound to tear. So it is your pick, brand or better quality… you choose.