150 billion a year. That is how much taxpayer money is spent on something that doesn’t exist. Money that could be better spent elsewhere is being cycled back into the economy to help poorer Americans. The politicians that claim to care about Climate Change because they care about the citizens is a lie. The policies they implement with this idea to ‘help’ just drag the American people down; they harm us. The presidential administration’s main priority must be to its citizens; not some random tribe in the Maldives. If the Trump administration hadn’t saved us by pulling out of the Paris Agreement, it would have caused the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, harmed American manufacturing, and destroyed $2.5 trillion in gross domestic product by the year 2035 and for nothing- for some ‘hoax’ the rest of the world is pushing.
Why does the US get all the blame anyway? China is the biggest emitter, emitting 11,397 million metric tons in 2022 alone. Why should the US pay for the mistakes of other countries, that are untrustworthy? It is not our job to clean up the mess of another country. Other countries claim the key to fighting climate change is US-China collaboration, but by doing so, we must remove the tariffs and sanctions we put on them. Well-deserved sanctions and tariffs, ones that are necessary to punish China for their human rights violations and the threat they are to US security. Our nation’s security comes first. It is also known that China was the one to create this concept of climate change as it is something “created by and for the Chinese to make US manufacturing non-competitive.” It is their way of messing with our energy companies and harming our economy at a time when we are trying to make the US fully reliant on energy resources that are only created there.
The myth of climate change is also causing our country to fall into communism, where the government is watching everywhere- a scary dystopian. This can be seen with the amount of government spending and involvement in electricity companies. Also, the government in some areas forces you to change your car or driving habits and use a certain stove. They have no right. This is a free country, and you should be allowed to do what you want and draw your own conclusions on what you should or should not do and believe in. Climate change is simply a way for the government to control you.
And it’s not real. That is clear. They claim global warming is a big issue, yet we still have a lot of snow and cold winters. Dare I say they have been getting colder? Look at Texas, which has been recently suffering devastating snow storms every winter. Even if it is real and not just a giant scam to steal our money and control us, global warming is a natural phenomenon. Look at history with the ice age. The climate naturally changes over time. It is our fate. There is nothing we can do to stop it as we were not the ones to cause it, so why should we inconvenience our present for the sake of people we will never know in the future?
*This article was written using statements that Trump had made on X and in speeches.